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Dahua Smart City Solution
Ever expanding cities today need
to pay more attention to protecting
their high volumes of both people
and properties. Nowadays even the
most developed cities are faced with
huge safety threats, ranging from
terrorist attacks aimed at highly-
populated areas and historically
significant places to road accidents
that are on the increase in line with
the increase in vehicle numbers. A
smart and integrated system for ur-
ban security is in urgent need, and
Dahua possesses the competence to
provide this technology.
Time to do it Smartly!
In the past, administration was
heavily reliant on manpower, this
however, no longer applies since
both the population and data
have exploded in the process of
urbanisation. Now it takes more
time for more policemen to track
down a suspect in a big city, not
only because there are too many
people and places to check but also
because the advanced transport
and traffic systems enable a person
to change location quickly. Not
to mention all the inconveniences
for ordinary citizens in such an
Boasting its AI technologies
and highly integrated platform, the
Dahua Smart City Solution aims to
address safety issues of mega-cities
without dramatically expanding
police forces, and with unprec-
edented advantages like timely
and effective risk detection, faster
emergency response and powerful
data mining.
We know deep-learning rede-
fines video analysis capabilities.
Ranked No.1, Dahua achieved
99.78% facial recognition accuracy
in LFW (Labeled Faces in the
Wild) in October, 2016. More-
over, deep-learning even allows
instant classification of humans and
vehicles, capturing extract detailed
features such as clothing colour,
gender, headwear or handbag for
humans and number plate details,
colour, size, model, cellphone us-
age, seat belt usage for vehicles.
Four Working Stages of
Dahua Smart City Solution
The overall working process of the
Dahua Smart City Solution can be
viewed in four stages: prevention,
detection, response and investiga-
Prevention means picking out
and focusing on potentially danger-
ous factors before they really do
harm to public safety. The Dahua
Smart City solution has the ability
to collect and analyse big data, and
so provides advanced forecasting
models that better predict events.
For example, with comprehensive
analysis of violation data collected
by traffic enforcement cameras, the
system can generate a watch list for
the vehicles with numerous viola-
tion records.
Detection means real time
surveillance in various forms,
including deployment of 360-de-
gree panoramic cameras and
ultra-long range, all weather
monitoring thermal cameras, etc.
In addition to the multi-functional
cameras mentioned above, Dahua's
deep-learning empowered smart
video surveillance can be used
to automatically detect high-risk
individuals and activities from the
massive amounts of data collected.
In fact, the Dahua traffic enforce-
ment system has already helped
Hangzhou city automatically detect
illegal behaviour from 29,823
vehicles during the G20 Summit,
which greatly reduced the burden
on the police, who were then able
to put more focus on protecting the
key summit area.
Response means enabling
key city organisations to react to
security threats in real time. Dahua
improves communication efficien-
cies through its integrated platform,
allowing unified command and
centralised data storage as well
as cross-department information
sharing. For example, if a natural
disaster were to happen in a city,
then the Dahua Smart City Solu-
tion would report it on a single
e-map, along with data on the avail-
able emergency response resources,
to all relevant departments and
agencies, while providing seamless
monitoring of the site to all units
Investigation means being able
to quickly analyse all data collected
by different systems and provide
insights to facilitate the recovery
of crucial incidents. Technologies,
such as video synopsis, provide
a short summary, including all
moving objects in a long video, and
support queries on moving objects
according to different characteris-
tics like size, colour, direction and
speed. In addition, there are a rich
set of data mining methods like
active area analysis, active target
analysis and trajectory analysis. So
if a criminal tried to escape with
a different vehicle or clothing he
would be highly unlikely to make it
in a city equipped with the Dahua
Smart City Solution.
With the Dahua Smart City Solu-
tion, governments can decrease
expenditure and crime rates at
the same time, whilst increasing
citizen safety, survival rates and
citizen approval rating. Citizens
will be safer and will enjoy better
living standards without the burden
of increased public spending. By
remaining ahead of the market and
placing emphasis on its core value
propositions of innovation, quality
and service, Dahua Technology will
continuously contribute to a safer
society and smarter living, benefit-
ing city dwellers worldwide.
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