the voice of the security industry bandwidth and storage deo surveillance systems of 50% or more. This is achieved by adding a new module inside the video compression engine of a network camera that ensures that important details in the image get enough attention in the video stream while unnecessary data can be removed. Axis’ Zipstream technology analyses and optimises the network camera’s video stream in real-time. Scenes containing interesting details are recorded in full image quality and resolution while other areas are filtered out to optimally use available bandwidth and storage. Important forensic details like faces, tattoos or license plates are isolated and preserved, while irrelevant areas such as white walls, lawns and vegetation are sacrificed by smoothing in order to achieve better storage savings. Zipstream reduces the bit rate of the video stream by applying the concepts of dynamic Region of Interest (ROI) and dynamic Group of Pictures (GOP). dynamic ROI The dynamic ROI optimises bandwidth in real-time by analysing where available bits will offer the maximum benefit from a forensic perspective. This process is performed for all image content, resulting in a totally flexible dynamic ROI. This dynamic ROI automatically expands, shrinks, changes shape, splits, merges, disappears and reappears depending on content, to optimise bandwidth and storage consumption in real time. Since it is unknown in which parts of the image relevant information may appear, Zipstream prepares the system for unexpected events. This dynamic automatic ROI is much more efficient than other ROI implementations where the region is set manually. dynamic GOP The dynamic GOP reduces the bit rate by avoiding storage consuming I-frame updates. I-frames contain all details in an image while following P-frames and B-frames build upon the preceding I-frame and contain only the changes in the image, not the entire image. Typical surveillance scenes with limited motion can be compressed to an extremely small size this way without any loss of detail. Zipstream automatically adapts GOP length in real-time depending on the amount of motion in a scene. This allows for the optimal setting to be always applied reducing bandwidth and storage requirements significantly without compromising on image detail should an incident occur. What about H.265? The H.265 standard is still very new. If we take a look back at how many years it has taken until H.264 was broadly supported by both hardware and software vendors in the video surveillance industry then it’s fair to say that the market will still take some time. A big hurdle on the road to H.265 is certainly the steep migration path. Not only do the cameras have to support H.265 but also all other elements of a video surveillance system and the underlying network infrastructure – be that video encoders, storage systems, video management software or intelligent video analytics solutions. Zipstream offers an open, non-proprietary approach to the bandwidth and storage challenges at hand without a need to invest in new hardware and software. “This dynamic ROI automatically expands, shrinks, changes shape, splits, merges, disappears and reappears depending on content, to optimise bandwith and storage consumption in real time.” A. Time period with short small motion. The small motion is detected and adding bits in that region can preserve the moving part of the video. B. Period with large longer motion needs more space but still it is possible to save storage during this motion since the dynamic region detects areas where non-prioritised information can be removed. C. Periods without motion are detected and the dynamic GOP algorithm removes unnecessary I-frame updates. Security News Every Day – www.